I Can’t See the Good in Good Bye Goodbye Sheet Music 1919 Alex Sullivan Lynn Cowan Andre De Takacs Cover


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Vintage song sheet music, this is “I Can’t See the Good in Good Bye” by Alex Sullivan and Lynn Cowan. This was published by McCarthy and Fisher Inc., New York, in 1919; it measures 9¼ x 12¼ inches with three pages. Great evocative cover art with a bit of a Gatsby look. It has a chip at the lower left corner as well as small tears along the edges, still quite nice for being over 100 years old.

“I Can’t See the Good in Good Bye” a popular song from the beginning of the last century. Words by Alex Sullivan and music by Lynn Cowan, writers of the previous hit “Kisses – The Sweetest Kisses of All.” The cover illustration is by Andre de Takacs, an artist who did many covers from 1906 to 1919. De Takacs used lots of bold coloring in his work and was able to create both realistic images as well as pleasingly abstract ones. He was quite versatile with the “fade-away” technique, where the clothing or other portions of a subject is of the same color or pattern as the background, making the relevant portions stand out more while the rest of the figure fades into the background. This cover features a beautiful woman in a wide straw hat, to me it has a Great Gatsby sort of feel. Classic vintage music ephemera and collectible, from the turn of the century.

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