Two Hour Cross Stitch 515 Fabulous Designs Patrice Boerens Crafts 1994 Hardcover


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“Two-Hour Cross Stitch” subtitled “515 Fabulous Designs” by Patrice Boerens. Published by Sterling / Chapelle in 1994, the book is a hard cover with a dust jacket measuring 8¾ x 11¼ inches with 144 pages; the price of $24.95 is printed on the interior flap of the dust jacket. The book is in very excellent gently used condition, it looks close to new; flipping through quickly the pages looked clean and unmarked.


The book is filled with small-scale cross-stitch designs that can be completed in a few hours. There are designs for flowers, trees, animals and letters. Each is illustrated with a color photograph and easy-to-follow chart for colors and numbers of strands used making it easy for beginners and a breeze for experts.

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